Some engineering college’s converting management seats to convener seats for fee reimbursement

Engineering college managements trying to misuse epass fee reimbursement: Some engineering colleges in the A.P now start back door methods to fill the vacant seats with cash back offer to students. After confirming management quota students eligible to epass fee reimbursement and receiving payment just Rs 15,000 at the time of admission and promising that they paid back to them after the fee reimbursement received. After receive all certificates from students they trying to admit the student in spot admissions or second round web counseling though convener quota. Actually the fee for convener seats is Rs 31,000 per year and Rs 95,000 per year for college management seats. In AndhraPradesh 3.10 lakh seats in 707 engineering colleges, but students qualified in Eamcet2011 is just 2.08 lakh. More then 76,000 students not attend to web counselling give big shock to colleges. So 1.7 lakh seats remain vacant after recent web counselling, the college managements trying all opportunities to fill the vacant seats. As per rules, 70% seats under convener quota and 30% under management quota. At present around 72,500 students skipped the Eamcet web counselling and another 30,000 students not reported at the respective colleges after seat allotment.